Simplicity of words

Flash fiction is an art form.  Just like any other writing.  Writing flash makes you think about every single word, every sentence, every paragraph, in a way you normally wouldn't do.  Writing effective flash really is a gift.  If you can say so much in so few words, then flash fiction is a must.

Mending the Broken is a flash entry written for the Friday Predictions over at Lily Child's Feardom.  The three component words - mistake, revolution and stitch - make up what is a simple story.  The trick with flash fiction is not to make it complicated.  Sometimes simplicity counts.  But even in 100 words, it is still possible to stop a reader in their tracks, to unsettle them, shock them, scare them.

Mending the Broken is simple, but effective.

Mending the Broken

One revolution.

They came to rest at the side of the deserted road.

One revolution, through one mistake, that’s all it took.

6-year-old Emily mooched through her mother’s handbag, found the little travel sewing pack that her mother always took with her wherever she went.

Her tongue glistened in the fading sunlight; folds of concentration darkened her brow as she attempted to thread the needle.

Her mother’s expression remained impassive. It had been hours since the accident. No one came.

No matter. Emily stood on the shattered car seat and began to stitch her mother’s head back on its shoulders.


  1. Stunning! I love it. There's not much I can say, this piece simply speaks for itself.


  2. Thanks Susan, glad for your feedback as always.

  3. I love it when the protagonist doesn't think they're doing anything wrong when, in fact, they are. I also want to say that I love your stories and that your writing advice on your other blog is amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and post such greatness =D
